British Retail Consortium
The Brand Reputation Compliance Global Standards (BRC) is a food safety standard recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative. It promotes a culture of food safety as it requires a more comprehensive environmental monitoring program that reflects individual risks to product safety.
Quantum Food Solutions 's food safety consulting services help your food company reach BRC certification. Through inspections, we help you keep these standards while identifying the strengths and weaknesses of your processing line using scientific tools and engineering principles. It's just one of our many certification consultancy services that help you make more money.
What Is BRC?
The BRC Food Safety Standard was developed by the British Retail Consortium and published in 1998. The most current edition (Issue 8) was released in August 2018. It seeks to provide a framework for food processors that is geared to producing safe food while simultaneously managing product quality in a way that meets customers’ specifications.
BRC has set benchmarks for Food Safety, Packaging and Packaging Materials, Storage and Distribution, Consumer Products, Agents and Brokers, Retail, and Gluten-Free products, helping food processors manufacturing practice, and help assure customers that your products are safe, legal and of high quality.
On top of food safety, it also requires the development of systems to enhance security and food defense to protect product authenticity (e.g., food fraud). Quantum Food Solutions can certify your operation's compliance with the BRC Global Standard for Food Safety and solidify your commitment to proficiency and excellence.
The BRC Standard, as with other globally recognized food safety schemes, was derived from codes of practice outlined by the World Health Organization (WHO). To receive certification, a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) food safety plan must be in place.

HACCP Training And BRC
Before you can reach BRC certification, you have to meet the standards of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point or HACCP. Quantum Food Solutions offers customized HACCP training programs delivered by our food consultancy trainers. We develop training programs specifically designed to meet the needs of your operation, making sure to use real-world, on-site training to bring teach your team. We also develop training programs specific to selected areas of interest.
Reaching BRC certification with Quantum Food Solutions will help your business reach new clients and find weaknesses that are reducing profitability.

Quantum Food Solutions And BRC
Quantum Food Solutions consultancy services are designed to help businesses achieve BRC certification and ensure that they have the plans in place to stay compliant. Our expertise in BRC food safety and quality management includes:
- Raw prepared products (meat and vegetarian)
- Raw fish products
- Fruit, vegetables and nuts
- Prepared fruit, vegetables and nuts
- Dairy, liquid egg
- Cooked meat, poultry, fish products
- Cured and fermented meat and fish
- Ready-to-eat meals, sandwiches, and desserts
- Low or high acid products (e.g. sauces, marinades, preserves, etc.) in cans, glass, or plastic containers
- Beverages (e.g. juices, carbonated, etc.)
- Bakery dried foods and ingredients
- Dried foods and ingredients
- Oils and fats (e.g. margarine, salad dressings)
Quantum Food Solutions safety consultation services can help your company develop, implement and validate your food safety system, including BRC.
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