HACCP certification

Benefits Of HACCP Certification

Coming up with a plan that follows the seven principles of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) demonstrates a genuine commitment to the safety of your food products, your employees, and the public. That’s one of the many benefits of HACCP certification – here are five more ways it can work to your business’s advantage.


HACCP Can Help Expand Your Business Opportunities


HACCPHACCP compliance can transform your brand by telling consumers and stakeholders that your facilities take safety seriously. It can act as an effective market-entry tool, opening up new opportunities around the world. Because it’s an international benchmark, all HACCP-certified companies follow these seven guidelines:

  1. Conduct a Hazard Analysis
  2. Identify Critical Control Points
  3. Establish Critical Limits
  4. Monitor Critical Control Points
  5. Establish Corrective Actions
  6. Establish Record Keeping Procedures
  7. Establish Verification Procedures

HACCP certification is necessary if you want your food processing or handling facility to achieve global recognition and acceptance throughout supply chains. It’s a legal requirement in several countries for all their constituent food systems, including the United States and the United Kingdom. 


HACCP Certification Helps You Reach Government Requirements


In Ontario and across Canada, food businesses must have a Food Safety Plan. It’s a set of written procedures that help eliminate, prevent or reduce safety hazards that could cause illnesses or injuries among consumers. These Food Safety Plans are based around HACCP; earning a certification means you’ll meet the legal requirements for your business. 


Certification Can Improve Customer Satisfaction


HACCP allows food companies to deliver products that meet customer requirements. The consistency, quality, and safety of the food product processed and handled under a Food Safety Plan mean those eating your food will trust it for them, their friends, and their families. 

It’s not just food processing, though: any organization directly or indirectly involved in the food chain can reach HACCP certification. Restaurants, fast-food chains, caterers, hotels, farms, dairies, warehouses, and delivery services like distributors. For areas like food service, it signals that the people running the kitchen are dependable.


You’ll Have A Plan In Place For Emergencies


Part of reaching HACCP certification is identifying critical control points or CCPs. These are the steps in your process where a control measure is necessary to check, eradicate or reduce hazards to an acceptable level. Elimination of these prevents the growth of dangerous bacteria and other microorganisms, stops cross-contamination between foods and ingredients that can trigger life-threatening allergic reactions, and protects workers.

However, emergencies can arise, even on tightly-run ships. Knowing the CCPs and having plans that address them means your employees can act quickly and effectively should a food safety emergency occur on your premises. 


Certification Saves You Money


HACCPThe reasons related to public health and well-being are good enough to attain HACCP certification, but it also makes fiscal sense! A good Food Safety Plan based on HACCP principles can help shield a company from financial and legal consequences of potential food poisoning or illness outbreaks.

HACCP means, in many situations, food companies won’t have to go through costly recall procedures, lose customers through hurt reputations, or deal with the legal consequences of causing a severe allergic reaction from improperly handling food allergens. In this sense, any expenses related to reaching HACCP certification pay for themselves!